
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sorry, I can't. It's my cats birthday....

So Lavinia really did have a birthday party. I  can't tell if I'm more embarrassed or proud of the fact that I pulled this off...any excuse is a good reason for a party, I say. She hated it, but she did seem to enjoy her fancy tuna cake. (Ps. My family now thinks I'm officially off my rocker)


Friday, September 16, 2016

End Summer at Summit - 2016

You know those trips where everything goes perfectly and you can't imagine ever wanting to leave? That was Summit this year. Who am I kidding, that's me when I go anywhere.....
The wanderlust is real.

So for the third year in a row, I made the short 5 hour trip to the beautiful mountainside in Tennessee, where I was able to spend time with my beautiful friends that I hardly ever get to see! I arrived Wednesday afternoon in time for the Hope Corps Graduation service and banquet. It seems that with every year I see less and less of my original class of 2012, but I got to see my sweet friend Kara this year and actually spend some time with her! 

Also, to any of you San Diego people reading this right now:


You all were so sweet and I felt like I was right at home in Burlington with you all! Definitely planning to visit in the near future. 

Each night consisted of staying up wayyyy too late (or should I say early?) and eating more food than is good for you. All the while laughing incessantly until your sides ache and smiling so wide your cheeks hurt. Oh, and the games! Non-stop hilarity.  Christmas caroling to our waiter at Denny's, bunny, bunny, bunny....oh goodness. I think our waiter thought we were all intoxicated.

And the grand finale, Dollywood adventuring all day Friday. From soaky squishy shoes, to flying on the swing over and over and over until our clothes dried. Imagine the heat. Imagine the face swaps. Imagine the getting lost. Imagine the cheese fries. 

That afternoon we went to the Comedy Barn, where everyone and their mama's showed up, to enjoy the last night of togetherness before everyone heads back home. We spent that night playing enough rounds of sardines to tire us all out before we used up all the good spots. 

If you still haven't made it to this conference, make plans for 2017! It is always scheduled for the Tuesday -Thursday after Labor day. 


Thursday, September 15, 2016

September's Golden Days

Orange, orange, orange. 
Possibly one of the happiest, warmest, coziest of colors.
September's golden tones are here, and I plan to enjoy them!

A few of my most favorite things at the moment:

1. Cute mugs that make everything you drink in them picture worthy
2. Early bedtimes (of course by early, we all know I mean before midnight)
3. Bright mornings
4. Closet decluttering (ok not a favorite, but I'm loving the extra space!!!)
5.  Hairsticks

The mornings and evenings are cooler, but the warmth holds high.

Summer's last caress, as it slips on by.

The days stretch out long, begging you to treasure the remaining light.

For before you know it, it will soon be night.

A hat and a scarf, for this gentle breeze.

A bouquet of flowers, may cause you to sneeze.

We trample and wander, into the fields,

never really knowing, what fall time will yield.



Dress: Orange Maxi Dress / Hat: Straw Hat / Scarf: Similar /

Cascade Falls for Labor Day

Cousin road trips + Hiking + Nature + Scenic Views + Swimming - Homework  = Grand ol' Time

That is the kind of math that I like. Do you ever find yourself wandering around on a hike and wonder why you can't just live by the side of the stream, fish for your meals, and run around barefoot all day in the wild? Just me? Oh, okay nevermind.....My inner Pocahontas was showing, sorry.

If you've never been here, I think you need a trip to Pembroke, VA. The 66 ft. waterfall is impressive and makes you feel as if the 2 mile hike was completely worth it. Last year I couldn't make myself jump into the water because it simply numbed my feet walking into the frigid water. This year, it happened. I jumped in and literally felt my breath leave my body. But it was so invigorating, and such an exciting little rush (happy sigh).

On a not so happy note: I hit my pinky toe on a rock on the way out of the water, had to hike back 2 miles to the car, and when I got home realized it was completely bruised. Luckily it wasn't broken and just sprained! All's well that ends well!
