"Writing is easy. Just put a sheet of paper in the typewriter and start bleeding." - Thomas Wolfe
I collect quotes; the meaningful ones that strike me with wide eyes. The ones that have changed my perspective, lifted my moods, or demanded me to delve deeper. Also the ones that slice through me and speak to me with an unparalleled clarity.
At times when my mind is jumbled, full of details or troubles, I have found that writing it all down is just as releasing as it is to say it out loud or talk about it with someone. I can vent, reel, and tumble it all out onto a sheet of fibrous paper in dark ink, and watch it dry as I think. Sometimes writing doesn't even require thinking, it is simply pouring your heart out, which can feel like bleeding. Blood is necessary for life, and when I write about the things that my life needs......I smell the adventure that is just within reach, I feel the heat of a rising sun, and see the cool moonbeams reflection on the shore.
My fingers fly across the pages as fast as they can trying to keep up with my minds voice. When the pages are reread, I do not edit them. They are true, raw, and me. I often realize that I have said more than I thought I could.

My fingers fly across the pages as fast as they can trying to keep up with my minds voice. When the pages are reread, I do not edit them. They are true, raw, and me. I often realize that I have said more than I thought I could.

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