Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated by old things and the stories they tell — whether it’s through antiquing and imagining the stories an old treasure can tell, or digging through old family photos and asking a million questions about them. I simply just want to know. I yearn to know the stories our ancestors could tell. I imagine what they could have experienced during the times they lived in and what the world was like back then.
It simply boils down to roots.
What can I trace my heritage back to? Where did I come from? What trials did my ancestors face? These roots mold us into who we are and how we live.
The Bible often compares us to trees or plants. Roots are essential to the life of plants, just like roots are essential to us.
Roots are absolutely necessary if we are to have life in the same way that a walk with God is vital to our spiritual life and growth in Him. The way in which we nurture and care for our walk with God is a direct result of the closeness we share with Him.
Our life is just like a garden, and Jesus is the head gardener. He must constantly weed out the impurities, the distractions, and the things that can take over our space and destroy us. Without good roots, we wither and die.
Roots also help to anchor a plant in the same way that God anchors our life in times of trouble. Through the pouring rain and howling wind, a tree is not concerned because it knows that it has deep and strong roots that can withstand the storm. In the same sense, we will not fear the storms that may come into our lives when we know and walk with the One who controls and has power over every storm.
I want to encourage each of you readers to take some time today and strengthen your roots. It is vital for us to have a strong and deep relationship with God daily.
Also, please feel free to leave a comment to share any of your favorite heritage or ancestry stories down below! I’d love to read them. 
*This blogpost first appeared on daintyjewellsblog.com *
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