
Thursday, August 2, 2018

3 Things to Remember When You Doubt Your Purpose

In this walk, there are often times where we are left wondering, What is my purpose? Depending on who you pose this question to, you will receive a variety of answers. Some will answer that the purpose is to be happy; others will say it’s to love others, and some may say to be the best version of ourselves. But the Bible lets us know that we are created to glorify God. Oftentimes when we are faced with the desire to be a difference-maker, it stems from this place deep within us that has been placed there by God himself.
We know for sure that God has called us to spread the gospel to the lost and to give Him praise and worship!
And yet, doubt can creep in if we are not careful, and we can begin to think that surely we were mistaken. Surely, God cannot expect ME to do something so big and scary. We doubt our effectiveness in the positions we are placed. We doubt our abilities to do what He lays out before us. We doubt that we are capable to fulfill His perfect plans because we are imperfect.


Here are three things to remember:
  1. God created you. From the very beginning, God had a plan for you to be born, arrive here on earth, and do something only you can do for His kingdom. You are not an accident. “How amazing is it that that same God that created the mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too?” Jesus wanted you to be His from the very start.
  2. God has a plan for you to fulfill. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” This verse confirms that Jesus Christ created us with a plan in mind already. So let go of those doubts!
  3. God is full of grace and mercy. For those moments where our shortcomings are evident, God is only a prayer away. Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Do not be afraid to pray in those moments where you have failed God. His mercy and grace are new every day!
I pray that this reminds every reader that we are to be strong women of purpose. Letting go of our self-doubt and relying on Jesus to guide the way for the meshing of our imperfect lives and His perfect will.


*This blog post first appeared on*

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

When All You Have is Just Enough

I want to start off by saying you don’t have to be perfect in order to be loved.
It’s true.
You are already so greatly loved by the wonderful and mighty God of this universe. God is searching for a heart just like yours. One that is desperately seeking Him and voraciously hungry. Jesus wants all of you and all you have to give. The bright side, the pained side, the pretty side, the fragmented side — He wants all of your heart.
The song “He Wants it All” comes to mind. The verse says:
          and He says, love me, love me with your whole heart
          He wants it all today
          serve me, serve me with your life now
          He wants it all today
          bow down, let go of your idols
          He wants it all today 
He wants it all today. Not tomorrow. Or next year. Today. Our God is a God of the present.
Sometimes we will hold off on surrendering our all to God because we feel that we don’t have anything left to give. This world has clipped our wings of potential and caged us up with sin. We are left to think we need to have everything in order before we can surrender complete control to God.
The truth is, if you have just enough faith to step out and make the first move, God will meet you there.
If you have just enough strength to hold on through the dark night, God will be your shelter and protect you through the storm.
If you have just enough boldness to act upon God’s word, He will be there right beside you every step of the way.
God is not seeking perfection; He is seeking your all.
Even now as you read this, some of you may be asking, Do we really have to give God everything? The simple answer to that is yes!
Revelation 3:16 says, “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.“
God would prefer that you be against Him completely rather than for Him halfheartedly. You are either in or out, hot or cold, for or against Him. There is no middle ground with God.
Think of the widow in I Kings 17:7-16 who had only a handful of meal and oil and was preparing to cook her last meal for herself and her son so that they could eat it and then die. She had just enough faith to hear the voice of the man of God. She had just enough strength to withstand her hunger a little bit longer as she cooked for the man of God. She had just enough boldness to act upon the word that was given to her and believe. In return, her son’s life and her own were saved, and she was greatly blessed!
What little bits are we holding onto today? — thinking they’re just enough to tide us over for a little while longer, but knowing that we cannot survive without God’s direction in our lives? God has so much planned out for you and your life!
Just give Him all of you. It will be just enough.


*This blogpost first appeared on*

Thursday, May 10, 2018

God's Approval

I saw this quote online, and it struck a chord deep within me. As a woman living in the 21st century, there are many roles that one is expected to fulfill. The role of friend, wife, daughter, mom, sister, encourager, leader, student, praise singer, Sunday school teacher, and the list goes on and on. In today’s world, one must know how to juggle the daily tasks of these roles, along with the ones of work, school, church, and home, seamlessly. We often balance all of our roles precariously on the edge of being overwhelmed and end up feeling inadequate when we can’t. In doing so, we become our own toughest critic, forgetting to add in for ourselves a generous dose of grace. We hold ourselves to the expectation of perfection.
ap·prov·al noun
the action of officially agreeing to something or accepting something as satisfactory.
What we oftentimes forget is that Jesus has approved of us from the start. We forget that since day one of our existence, He is the one who formed us, created us, and knit us in our mother’s womb, as Psalms 139:13 reminds us. How beautiful it is that He knows us from the inside out, through and through, and still loves and approves of us! God does not approve of everything that you do or don’t do, but he approves of who you ARE.
PSALM 139:13 (ESV)
F O R  Y O U  F O R M E D  M Y  I N W A R D  P A R T S ;  Y O U  K N I T T E D  M E    T O G E T H E R  I N  M Y  M O T H E R ’ S  W O M B .
When did you decide you were not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, or just enough in general? Rest today in knowing that Jesus approves of who you are. Being His means that He cares for you, He delights in you, simply because you are His child! Let’s be thankful today for Jesus’ love and share that with all those around us. ❤


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Chic In Neutrals

This outfit came together when this non-springy spring dropped down too low for me and my sandals. After being at work a full day, I still felt so put-together at the end of the day (not the norm) that I headed out for some pictures. I absolutely love an outfit that fulfills the 3 Cs: chic, collected, and most importantly, comfortable!
We all know how I feel about that tiny piece of silky fabric called a scarf. It is such a tiny detail so often overlooked, but one that can make such an impact. As soon as you add it to the most basic outfit, you’ve just increased your put-together vibe by at least 10 points (oh so perfect for those dreary Mondays!). I chose this neutral-tone leopard-printed scarf because of the fun print and decided to extract the colors from it for the rest of my outfit.
The basic black pleated midi skirt has been a staple in my closet for quite some time. You can find them almost anywhere in various colors, lengths, and textures, and they are so versatile! I love tucking in a more casual knitted sweater for a casual feel. And let’s be honest here, nothing feels cozier than a nice lightweight sweater. I kept my tights a basic gray to match my booties and limit the mix of colors. For this look, I loved that my glasses gave the scarf print some continuity. It’s the little things, y’all!
I hope you all found some inspiration with today’s look! ❤

*This blog post first appeared on *

Friday, April 6, 2018

When God Becomes "Mine"

The love of Jesus is something we often hear of, talk about, and proclaim. The story of how He created this earth, so majestic, just for us. How He robed Himself in flesh to come and live among us. How He took the time to heal so many and to teach anyone who would listen during His ministry. How He died on a cross because He loved us so. He gave Himself so willingly as a sacrifice to cover our multitude of sins. Jesus’ love is a profound, deep, love that we cannot entirely understand. It is the greatest love story of all time.
A love story where He pursues us intentionally, and daily.
When we play hard-to-get with God, we are essentially rejecting God’s love. We pick and choose when we want Him to move, when we want to pray, and how we want to serve God. We take the mercy and grace that go with love and use them to wipe our tears, only to toss them aside the minute they get too heavy for us.
Love is a choice. We choose to love even when we don’t feel like it. We choose to serve God because we know He is the omnipotent Creator, and He deserves our praise. You have to choose to serve God and make Him “mine” daily, and the sooner you settle that into your heart, the easier your entire walk with God becomes.
When Jesus became mine, I was 14. I was in high school trying to decide who I really was. My whole life, I had been raised in the church; it was all I knew, but it wasn’t mine. We had a youth convention that spring that solidified me and my roots. I don’t recall the sermon exactly; I just remember the experience at the altar–where I felt overwhelmed with a love I had been ignoring for so long. Jesus was reaching for me, and I felt His presence so strongly, I wanted to stay there in that moment forever.
Jesus was mine.
Not my parents’, or my pastor’s, or my friend’s, but mine. I knew regardless of and through anything, He would be there for me. And He has never failed me.
When was the last time you felt God’s love so tenderly you could only weep? How long has it been since you’ve allowed Him to talk to you through His Word? How long since you’ve told Him your worries and concerns?
1 Peter 5:7 says, “Casting all your care upon Him; for he careth for you.”
Jesus wants to be there for you, so let Him! And choose today to make Jesus yours, too. ❤

*This blog post first appeared on*

Thursday, February 8, 2018

January 5th


On January 5th, 2018 I married my best friend.


I cannot even begin to explain the overwhelming happiness that just surged my heart that entire day. I was surrounded by all of my favorite humans, I wore the prettiest wedding dress any princess could want (yes, my mom is amazing and MADE it!), and I got to unite my life with the one that makes me the happiest girl alive. 

There were little moments that will forever remain etched in my memories. 

How I felt getting in the car with my wedding dress on. How I didn't even feel the cold (even though it was about 30 degrees at noon, and only went down from there). How easy it was to smile for all my pictures because I was just so over-the-moon happy. How I just couldn't wait to see Preston. The kind words our pastors imparted upon us. The hugs that swamped us after the ceremony. How cozy and adorable our tent reception was. The love that just permeated every inch of space at church. The sparklers effect on the night right before we left on our honeymoon.

Preston Pearson, I love you. 


Photography by Amanda Sutton Photography