Dear yellow daffodils & tulips,
Your little pop of color is so exciting to see! You bring promises of warmth, and sunshine, and I am oh so ready for all of that.
Dear Memphis,
I always want to stay longer than I should, and wonder why I stay away so long when you're not too far from home. So enticing with your food, the fun, the fellowship, but mostly the friendships of humans I love.

Dear springtime allergies,
Can we just not do this this time? k, thx.
Dear San Diego,
How is your weather so perfect? I could definitely get used to you.
Dear Bing Haus,
Earl grey lavender rolled ice cream with honey and mochi. Hands down, love.
Dear secret hidden swing at sunset cliffs,
Seriously THE CUTEST! My day was immediately made and I couldn't have asked for anything else. #thehideaway

Dear fog/smog in Los Angeles,
I can't tell the difference. Which one are you?
Dear sunsets in California,
I never actually got to see you at the beach, but you're beautiful from afar too.

Dear Disneyland,
The happiest place on Earth, with some wonderful people! My inner Disney 90's child was on cloud nine enjoying this wayyy too much! The shows, the rides, the music, the nostalgia. The feels were too real. Sleeping Beauty's castle and the Alice in Wonderland spinning tea cups were my favorite.
Dear dole whip,
Second times the charm....
Dear brother in LA,
The American Girl store was soooo much fun! Thank you for making me feel like I'm 9 again, it was the best! Samantha is well taken care of and enjoying her cute outfits. Love you!
Dear sushi,
I can totally quit whenever I want to. It's not a problem.
Dear tan lines on my ankles,
That's cute. #thankssandals

Photocreds @garret for like a ton of these.