My days whizz by and the hours seem like minutes! It is here, the final countdown!
8 days
I will definitely have to go back at some point when my life has settled in and add to this blog. I'll add in the details of how everything came along and all that has fallen into place, because that in itself is a testimony of God's love and care for us. Jesus is a provider, strong tower, my comforter, shelter from the storm, and faithful friend. With Him on my side, I know that all will be well no matter what may come.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. {Romans 8:28}
I had the absolute cutest bridal shower this month!! It had all of the elements of pretty, elegant, and romantic decor I was in love. Also, the ladies showered me with their wisdom, laughs, games and gifts. There was a moment where we shared memories and I had to guess who's memory that was. It took me back to moments I've shared with all of these ladies and realize what a great life we have shared. If any of you are reading this, I love you all!!!
We also had our church wedding shower and that was so fun. I can honestly say our future home is going to be so cute!!! Thank you to everyone who has showered us with your love, well wishes, and gifts. We feel so loved and blessed to have you.

Preston and I are so excited about all of the changes that are coming our way soon! This Christmas was extra special and we had SO much to be thankful for. We have a cute little apartment, our families nearby, and plenty of planning for the wedding coming up soon to keep us busy, busy, busy! I'll be glad when it settles down a bit, and life returns to its normal pace, but for the moment, I'm enjoying the crazy, the messy, the stress, and nerves. It won't be here forever, and these are the moments that I'll think back on. Sweet moments of our first Christmas together, moments of uncontrollable laughter, moments of family warmth all around, memories of finding our apartment, and lugging stuff allllllll the way upstairs, memories of game nights, and excitement, memories of worrying over the color schemes, and backgrounds, and paper quality, or pictures, and freezing temperatures (goodness I can't wait for summer again...), and on and on it goes. I am a blessed soul.

I hope you've all had the best holiday season yet, and enjoyed plenty of delicious food, warm family time, and taken a moment to realize how extremely blessed you are.