Often times I like to stop and reflect on the events of my life and what is taking place at the moment. I am happy to be able to say that this January has already surpassed all of my expectations for the month, but only because Jesus is so, so, so good to me! I have been busy recuperating my semblance of routine after I returned home from Mexico for the holidays (which I will post about...eventually). Starting a new school semester, balancing a homework schedule, bible quizzing practices, planning exciting things (which are soon to be revealed), and crossing things off of my to-do lists.
By far the most exciting thing that has happened, is that I have begun a 12 week bible study with a young girl and her mother. I have helped with bible studies before, recieved group bible studies, and given small group bible studies, but I have never given a one-on-one home bible study before and the thought of doing so kind of intimidated me. But the past few weeks have shown me just how exciting it can be to share what you know with others, and just how rewarding it is to yourself as well. Perhaps because I've been raised in church I feel like everyone knows all of the main bible stories we hear in Sunday school, but sharing these with people that don't know all about it is so refreshing! The look on their faces of curiosity, discovery, and enlightenment have definitely been an encouragement to me, as well as a source of rediscovered wonder. I love hearing their questions and being able to help them find an answer. Mostly I love the nearness of the presence of God that is felt. The openness with which we can communicate back and forth on thoughts or questions that may be troubling them at the moment. It feels so right.
To God be the glory is a song that is continuously on my mind and it so describes my feelings at the moment. He is so good. I can never say that enough, because he really is. He gives me a fresh start each and every day to make better choices, to change situations,and to better myself. He helps me through the downs and he is the rock that never fails. I could lose it all, but as long as I have him, I know I will be alright. Most of all, he loves me. He loves you. He loved us so much that he has given us the chance to be cleansed and saved with his own blood.
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
To God be the glory
For the things He has done
With His blood, He has saved me
With His power, He has raised me.
To God be the glory
For the things he has done.