To begin, my day started at 6 am. I had a final exam due on the Thursday of our departure and I went to work an hour earlier than usual. But who can concentrate on work when California is looming on the horizon? I made it through my half day of work. And the airport. And the long flight. And the waiting for my luggage part. And finally set foot outside. Welcome to Los Angeles.
The streets were crowded, and the driving a bit crazed. We were certainly not in North Carolina anymore. We got ready for service in record time and were at church before the preaching began... talk about fashionably late. Jovenes en Fuego is a two day bilingual youth conference held in Panorama City. This year Rev. Jones from Texas preached both night services and did a spectacular job! The first night everyone was at the altar praying and seeking God. You can never get enough of those kinds of services. After dinner, and meeting lots of new people, we finally went to bed at 3:00 am. 6 am NC time....#24hoursupandIdidn'tevenfeelit
Friday night we joined the Jovenes en Fuego choir, which was unexpected, but fun! Friday nights' service was held in a high school auditorium and there were many nearby churches that attended. That nights altar service was truly powerful. It awakened in me a desire to be who I am called to be. We are the future, we are the now, and sometimes we need to be shaken and brought to face with what we have neglected to do.
After Friday night's service we had a youth social at the local church with games, snacks, and friends. I may have met 90% of the people in that room, and by the end of the night I hardly knew my own name! Everyone was so nice and friendly that we almost forgot we were just visiting. I must mention that I was the musical chairs winner. That's me, representing the east coast to the best of my potential.
A taco stop and 2,198,492 hours later, we went to bed. Algo asi. Homeward bound. Au revoir and until next time California & friends!
xoxo, Dulcinea and the Burlington girls